turning fashion
into action

look good and save a life

the resources

every order comes with

  • free fentanyl test strips: these easy-to-use strips help detect the presence of deadly fentanyl in your drugs.
  • harm reduction information: We want to empower you with knowledge about safe drug use practices and strategies for minimizing harm.
  • narcan (when available): this life-saving medication can reverse an opioid overdose in an emergency.
co founder andrew cope

my why

"we use fashion as a way to try and get someone's attention. without someone's attention, you can't educate them. so for me, I want to save, you know, anyone from having to go through the same thing that I and my family had to go through, which was burying people way before they deserved to go."

our mission.

at more life, we say we’re turning fashion into action because we understand two things: fashion has always been an effective cultural canvas that grabs the attention of others. and we are currently facing a problem that is killing hundreds of thousands of loved ones. so we took the cultural vehicle that is fashion, and paired it with harm reduction tools and education that allows our community to take action and be a part of the solution. people deserve to explore responsibly if they decide to do so. we live by the statement that “to love is to create” and this is the best way we thought we could show love to our community. we don’t just want to start the conversation, we want to provide the tools for transformation.

how to use test strips.


how to use narcan.
